PRACE PRACE-1IP: Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe AISBL - First Implementation Phase Project
European Commission, FP7, Research infrastructures project

The PRACE RI is a pan-European infrastructure seated in Brussels and established as an international non-profit association of European government representative organizations responsible for High-Performance Computing resources and services for public research. Named ‘Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe AISBL’, it currently has 24 members, representing Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the UK. These partners are creating a pan-European world class computing and data management infrastructure, providing access to resources at the highest performance level including sophisticated services for scientific simulations in all fields of science and engineering.

The PRACE RI is open to all European researchers and their collaborators for research with potential for high European and international impact. Applications for access are subject to peer review overseen by the PRACE Scientific Steering Committee comprised of leading European researchers.

The PRACE leadership systems form the apex of resources for large-scale computing and data management for scientific discovery and engineering research and development for the benefit of Europe and are well integrated into the European HPC ecosystem. PRACE is funded by member governments through their representative organizations and EU’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° RI-261557. The first PRACE computer systems and their operations are funded by the governments of the representative organizations hosting the systems.

The PRACE-1IP project expedites the implementation of the PRACE services to enable European researchers to exploit the unprecedented resources of PRACE and to produce breakthrough results through large-scale simulations of natural phenomena and technical systems and analysis of the large datasets gathered in many disciplines.. Experts from the PRACE-1IP project support users in porting, petascaling, and optimising their applications. An extensive education and training program familiarises current and future users with new methods, novel languages, and modern programming paradigms and a diversity of system architectures. The distributed systems will be managed consistently and integrated seamlessly into the European High-Performance Computing (HPC) ecosystem. The project will advise PRACE on next generation production systems. It explores advanced technologies through prototypes to stay abreast with hardware and software developments towards future exascale systems.

Activities and news related to the project: