Programme Pavle Savic 2014: Self Assembly of Magnetic Hard-Spheres: Effect of Magnetic Field and Confinement Bilateral project with France 2014-2015 |
EGI-InSPIRE: Integrated Sustainable Pan-European Infrastructure for Researchers in Europe European Commission, FP7, Research infrastructures project 2010-2014 |
agINFRA: A data infrastructure to support agricultural scientific communities Promoting data sharing and development of trust in agricultural sciences European Commission, FP7 – Research Infrastructures project 2011-2014 |
PRACE-3IP: Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe - Third Implementation Phase Project European Commission, FP7, Research infrastructures project 2012-2014 |
ELECTROMAT: Electronic Transport in Organic Materials European Commission, FP7 People, Marie Curie Career Integration Grant 2011-2015 |
OI 141035 Ministry of Science, Serbia 2006-2010
EGEE-III European Commission, FP7 project 2008-2010 |
SEE-GRID-SCI European Commission, FP7 project 2008-2010 |
Electron Structure Calculations NATO Reintegration Grant 2008-2010 |
LA@CERN European Commission, Lifelong Learning Programme 2008-2010 |
PI-BEC Bilateral project with Germany 2009-2010 |
CX-CMCS: EU Centre of Excellence for Computer Modeling of Complex Systems European Commission, FP6 project 2006-2009 |
Topological phases in strongly correlated Fermi systems Bilateral project with France 2008-2009 |
Cosmic Harmony Ministry of Science of Serbia, Popularization of Science Grant 2009 |
EGEE-II: Enabling Grids for E-sciencE European Commission, FP6, eInfrastructure project 2006-2008 |
SEE-GRID-2: South Eastern European Grid-enabled eInfrastructure Development European Commission, FP-6, regional eInfrastructure project 2006-2008 |
Cost Action P10: Physics of Risk European Commisions, Cost Action 2005-2007 |
Simulation and analysis of complex networks in planetary dynamics Bilateral project with Slovenia 2005-2007 |
SEE-GRID: South Eastern European Grid-enabled eInfrastructure Development European Commission, FP6, regional eInfrastructure project 2004-2006 |
National Investment Plan of the Republic of Serbia 2006 Grant for Upgrade of Research Infrastructure Ministry for NIP, Ministry of Science of Serbia 2006 |
SCOPES Swiss National Science Foundation 2009-2012 |
HP-SEE: High-Performance Computing Infrastructure for South East Europe’s Research Communities European Commission, FP7, Research infrastructures project 2010-2012 |
PRACE-1IP: Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe AISBL -First Implementation Phase Project European Commission, FP7, Research infrastructures project 2010-2012 |
PRACE-2IP: Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe AISBL -Second Implementation Phase Project European Commission, FP7, Research infrastructures project 2011-2013 |
NAD-BEC: Numerical and Analytical Investigation of Ultracold Bose Gases in Disordered Potentials Bilateral project with Germany 2011-2012 |
MES-CNRS: Topological states and phases in low-dimensional electron systems Bilateral project with France 2011-2012 |
MES-CNRS: Quantum critical transport near the Mott metal-insulator transition Bilateral project with France 2012-2013 |