Student SCL visit and online lectures

On Wednesday, March 19, 2025, our lab hosted physics students from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (University of Novi Sad) and the Faculty of Physics (University of Belgrade) as part of their visit to the Institute of Physics Belgrade.

During the visit, students had the opportunity to meet SCL researchers and engage in discussions with Antun Balaž and Nenad Vukmirović about the study of complex systems.

This visit was organized at the request of physics students to accompany the virtual session on Novel Topics in Quantum Science and Technology, in the framework of the APS Global Physics Summit held in Anaheim, California, organized by the American Physical Society (APS).

As part of the online session, two SCL researchers delivered talks:

Ana Hudomal – "Simulating Quantum Many-Body Scars with Rydberg Atoms"
Antun Balaž – "Novel Quantum Phases: Dipolar Quantum Droplets and Supersolidity"

  • Studenti+Mart-10
  • Studenti+Mart-19
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