Curriculum Vitae
Publications: - Papers - Proceedings
Vladimir Slavnic vladimir [dot] slavnic [at] scl [dot] rs Proceedings:
D. Vudragovic, V. Slavnic, I. Spasojevic, V. Nedovic and A. Balaz:
"AgINFRA - a Data Infrastructure to Support Agricultural Scientific Communities: Promoting Data Sharing and Development of Trust in Agricultural Sciences" Book of Abstracts, 12th Congress of Nutrition (2012) 422; 31 October 2012, Belgrade, Serbia
B. J. Drakulic, A. Pedrretti, M. Zloh, V. Slavnic, I. O. Juranic and M. M. Dabovic:
"Range and Sensitivities of 2-[(Carboxymethyl)sulfanyl]-4-oxo-4-arylbutanoic Acids Property Spaces. Part 2. Multidimensional Free Energy Landscapes" Abstract Book of 18th European Symposium on Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships (2010) 278, Rhodes, Greece
V. Slavnic, A. Balaz, D. Stojiljkovic, A. Belic and A. Bogojevic:
"Optimization and Porting of the Path Integral Monte Carlo SPEEDUP Code to New Computing Architectures" Proceedings of the SEE-GRID-SCI User Forum 2009, 09-10 December 2009, Istanbul, Turkey (2009) 133 Presentation
V. Slavnic, B. Ackovic, D. Vudragovic, A. Balaz and A. Belic:
"Operational Grid Tools Developed at SCL" Proceedings of the SEE-GRID-SCI User Forum 2009, 09-10 December 2009, Istanbul, Turkey (2009) 117 Presentation
V. Slavnic, B. Ackovic, D. Vudragovic, A. Balaz, A. Belic and M. Savic:
"Grid Site Monitoring Tools Developed and Used at SCL" Proceedings of the SEE-GRID-SCI User Forum 2009, 09-10 December 2009, Istanbul, Turkey (2009) 123 Presentation
V. Slavnic, A. Balaz, D. Stojiljkovic, A. Belic and A. Bogojevic:
"SPEEDUP - Optimization and Porting of Path Integral MC Code to New Computing Architectures" Proceedings of the NEC'2009, 07-14 September 2009, p. 257-264, Varna, Bulgaria (2009)
D. Vudragovic, A. Balaz, V. Slavnic and A. Belic:
"Serbian Participation in Grid Computing Projects" Proceedings of the NEC'2009, 07-14 September 2009, p. 286-293, Varna, Bulgaria (2009)
D. Vudragovic, V. Slavnic, A. Balaz and A. Belic:
"WMSMON - GLite WMS Monitoring Tool" MIPRO 2009, 25-29 May 2009, GSV-02, p. 239-243, Opatia, Croatia (2009)
D. Vudragovic, A. Balaz, V. Slavnic and A. Belic:
"Dwarf - the Framework for Authorized YUM/APT Repositories Management" INFOTEH 2009, 18-20 March 2009 (2009) 721, E-V-8, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina