SCL at SEE-GRID events in Tirana
SCL's Antun Balaz participated in a number of SEE-GRID related events held in Tirana, Albania from 31 March to 2 April 2008. On request from Polytechnic University of Tirana, SEE-GRID-2 partner from Albania, Grid trainings were organized on several occasions during each day, with lectures given by A. Balaz and B. Marovic (Belgrade University Computer Centre). Two Serbian representatives in the project participated on 1 April 2008 in "SEE-GRID-2 Policy Workshop on eScience and eBusiness in Albania", and in PSC07 meeting, held on 1 and 2 April 2008.
Schedule of SEE-GRID-2 training events held at Polytechnic University of Tirana:
31 March 2008
SEE-GRID project, gLite Middleware and SEE-GRID Infrastructure Overview and Usage, Branko Marovic, Antun Balaz
Overview of SEE-GRID-2 and other related Grid projects, Antun Balaz
Obtaining and using grid certificates, Branko Marovic, Dusan Radovanovic
Job submission and management demonstration using WMProxy, Branko Marovic
gLite Installation, Administration and Administrative tools - Antun Balaz
Grid Operations Training, Antun Balaz
Grid programming basics II - Branko Marovic
Grid – Applications and basic usage, Branko Marovic
Also used:
Excerpt from: Put your hands on gLite
Excerpt from: SEE-GRID Gridification Guide
Excerpt from: Main steps to gridify an Application, M. Kozlovszky et al.
Grid programming basics II- Branko Marovic
EGEE middleware: gLite Data Management, Branko Marovic
Discussing gridification of student's sample application: Sudoku game, Branko Marovic Walk through "gLite 3.1 User Guide" Programming APIs for gLite services, Giuseppe La Rocca, INFN
gLite Installation and Administration, practical exercises - Antun Balaz and Emanouil Atanassov Installation of gLite-3.1 middleware for lcg-CE, glite-BDII, glite-SE_dpm, glite-UI, Antun Balaz
Preparation of configuration files for YAIM, Antun Balaz, Emanouil Atanassov
Configuration of lcg-CE, BDII_site, glite-SE_dpm, glite-UIAntun Balaz, Emanouil Atanassov
SEE-GRID customizationsAntun Balaz, Emanouil Atanassov