Curriculum Vitae
Publications: - Papers - Books - Popularization - Other |
Aleksandar Bogojević Research Professor Director of IPB PhD 1989, Brown University aleksandar [dot] bogojevic [at] scl [dot] rs
A. Bogojevic, D. Todic, K. Maltez, M. Katic, V. Vukasovic and V. Majic:
"English to Serbian Dictionary of Alternative Energy Terminology OECD", in Serbian (2006) -
I. Ivic, A. Pesikan, R. Jankov, A. Bogojevic, J. Pesic, S. Antic, S. Marinkovic and D. Sisovic:
"Basic Standards of Textbook Quality", in Serbian Education Forum (2004) -
I. Ivic, A. Pesikan, J. Pesic, D. Plut, R. Jankov and A. Bogojevic:
"Quality of School Textbooks and Quality Assurance Mechanisms", in Serbian Education Forum (2003) -
A. Bogojevic, I. Ivic and R. Karapandza:
"Optimization of the Network of Schools in Serbia" UNICEF (2003) -
A. Bogojevic, I. Ivic and R. Karapandza:
"Optimization of the Network of Schools in Serbia", in Serbian UNICEF (2003) -
I. Ivic, A. Pesikan, J. Pesic, D. Plut, R. Jankov and A. Bogojevic:
"Quality of School Textbooks and Quality Assurance Mechanisms" Education Forum (2003) -
A. Bogojevic:
"It's Good to Be Bombed in Springtime" (1999) Collection of Essays
A. Bogojevic:
"Lectures on Quantum Field Theory I", in Serbian Institute of Physics Belgrade (1998) Lecture notes for graduate course QFT1
A. Bogojevic:
"Lectures on Quantum Field Theory II" Institute of Physics Belgrade (1997) Lecture notes for graduate course QFT 2