3rd Complexity lecture by Marija Janković

You are cordially invited to the third lecture in SCL Lecture series on complexity which will be held on Monday, 28 October 2024 at 18:00 in the small lecture hall of the Kolarac Endowment. The talk entitled

Complex distant worlds: planets and planetesimals around other stars

will be given by Dr. Marija Janković (Institute of Physics Belgrade). The abstract of the talk:

It is estimated that around a half of all Sun-like stars hosts at least one planet, and that every fifth one has a massive planetesimal belt. Our knowledge on these distant worlds is expanding rapidly and today there are over 5000 confirmed exoplanet detections. Planetesimal belts (e.g. asteroid or Kuiper belts) are an integral part of their planetary systems, including the Solar system. Planetesimals around other stars cannot be directly detected, but these bodies are colliding and fragmenting into smaller bodies, producing dust particles that we detect. In this lecture we will talk about how planetary systems form out of giant clouds of gas and dust, how they differ from our own Solar system, what processes shape them over time and what happens to these worlds when their host star reaches the end of its lifetime.

The complete lecture series schedule:

14 October - Dr. Marija Mitrović Dankulov: The physics of complexity and the hidden forces in our social lives
21 October - Dr. Nenad Vukmirović: From atoms, through complexity, to free electricity
28 October - Dr. Marija Janković: Complex distant worlds: planets and planetesimals around other stars
 4 November - Dr. Antun Balaž: Complex landscapes of ultracold atoms
18 November - Dr. Jakša Vučičević: Struggle against complexity in physics of high-temperature superconductors
25 November - Dr. Aleksandar Bogojević: Emerging from complexity: cooperation from conflict