SCL at Workshop on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems
SCL members Nenad Vukmirović, Darko Tanasković and Miloš Radonjić gave invited talks at the Workshop on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, which was held at the Institute of Physics Belgrade on 9th and 10th June 2022, in honor of academician Zoran Popović, vice-presidents of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
The workshop covered a range of subjects in the diverse field of strongly correlated electron systems. The aim of the workshop was to review the state of the art and new trends in the experimental investigation and theoretical understanding of strongly correlated electron systems.
Nenad Vukmirović gave a talk entitled
Steps towards ab-initio predictions of electron mobility in materials with strong electron-phonon interaction
and presented his recent results on the temperature-dependent mobility of conduction band electrons in II-IV semiconductors ZnSe, CdTe, ZnTe, and CdSe.
Darko Tanasković gave a talk on
Infrared and Raman study of FeGa3
that focused on the study of the optical spectra and vibrational properties of a single crystal of FeGa3.
Miloš Radonjić's talk was entitled
DFT+Σ2 method for electron correlation effects at transition metal surfaces and nano-devices
and he presented a DFT+DMFT implementation with multiorbital perturbative solver, that is designed to describe the electronic properties of ferromagnetic metallic thin films on a substrate and the electronic and linear-response transport properties of two-terminal nanoscale devices and heterostructures.