Ana Vranic Defends her MSc Thesis
SCL trainee Ana Vranić defended her MSc thesis at the Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, on Wednesday, 27 September 2017. The thesis entitled "Thermodynamics and Electron Transport in the Hubbard Model on a Triangular Lattice" ("Termodinamika i transport elektrona u Habardovom modelu na trougaonoj rešetki") was done under supervision of Dr. Darko Tanasković. The members of the thesis defense committee Dr. Đorđe Spasojević, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Physics, Dr. Zorica Popović, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Physics, and Dr. Darko Tanasković, Research Associate Professor at the Institute of Physics Belgrade, were impressed by Ana's results, and gave her the highest mark for the content and the presentation of the thesis.
After completion of her MSc degree, Ana will continue her research at SCL as a PhD student.